Each of our clients has unique capabilities and has to face different issues.

They deserve customised solutions – and a team made up of professionals whose knowledge is exceptional on the market. These experts have achieved outstanding results within their respective fields of expertise. We develop world-class and futureproof solutions for the tasks and problems our clients are faced with, aligning the skills and knowledge of our professionals and clients. These solutions do not only work in theory – they are feasible and can be applied effectively.

Our Gydes are not just professionals – they are problem-solvers, creative thinkers, engineers, analysts and new business developers.

Gábor Lévai
PhenoGyde Founder, Strategist

Founder and head of PhenoGyde, strategist, business developer, digitalisation expert. His name is associated with projects such as the Metapay Festival Card or Europe’s first NFC project. He is also the co-founder of Mandate Monitor.

Zsolt Olaszy
Lead Card Expert

PhenoGyde’s leading card and payment system expert, co-founder of Mandate Monitor. Zsolt is an international expert in bankcard issuing and acceptance, as well as scheme compliance, and an experienced PM of giant banking projects.

Eszter Robák
Card Expert, PM

Senior card expert, project manager, complex (bank) project expert, a master in unifying various perspectives.

Biringer Monika
Business development – LatAm

Business developer, startup strategist with 15+ years of experience in the Latin American market. She is board member of a private equity fund and a real networker, who is active in Europe as well.

Gábor F. Horchler
Corporate Banking and Large Corporate Expert

International expert in corporate banking and corporate financial products & solutions. Gábor was a regional corporate banking manager and is now a business consultant and board member of several corporations.

Krisztina Szegedy dr.
Compliance Expert

Krisztina has served as the head of the compliance and legal departments of several major banks. During her career as an international consultant, she was involved in the market entry and the design and development of the systems of multiple financial institutions. She has in-depth knowledge and expertise in the banking and banking regulation fields. She regularly gives talks in her field of expertise and teaches compliance.

Márton Báti
Card Acceptance and Micro Enterprise/SME/Retail Sales Expert

Márton founded and managed several firms and sales houses dealing with card acceptance. He is currently a senior (cross-border) card acceptance and micro enterprise/SME/retail sales expert who is well-versed with the strategy of a successful sale from its overall structure down to its smallest detail.

Linda Havrán
Organisational Development and Human Resources Expert

With both large and small business experience, Linda is a psychologist with many years of consultancy background, who thinks of organisation, culture, and transformation in terms of the human perspective.

István Bocskai
Communication and PR Expert

A PR professional with experience in both internal and external communications in the banking, corporate and startup ecosystem. He is strongly committed to clear, simple messages and making the most of the new opportunities for communication offered by digitalisation.

Attila Rajnai
IT Operations Expert

Attila’s expertise lies in knowing all the ins-and-outs of a bank’s IT operations. He is equally familiar with the position of a supplier, a customer and a consultant in the replacement and migration projects within the major systems of leading financial institutions. We cooperate in the due diligence processes and resource assessments of IT firms as well as in the establishment of knowledge centres and IT roll-out projects.

András Cseh
Data Analysis and Visualisation Expert

András interprets, analyses, visualizes and finds correlations in data. With his extensive multinational corporate background, he supports our most complex data analysis projects.

Birth of a new industry

We changed the world under the brand name ’Metapay’ in 2011 by digitalising festival payments. We were also the first to successfully introduce new technologies and business models like the mobile NFC payment technology, the electronic public transport pass and Europe’s most complex shopping centre payment and loyalty card system.

We were the first to apply the ‘Transaction as a Service’ model and we had the opportunity to participate in the digitalisation of the most varied industries, not just as consultants, business developers or strategists, but for a certain period also as service providers. As of 2016, we have been focusing exclusively on consultancy.Our aim is to provide comprehensive, all-encompassing answers to the most complex problems.

We are trailblazers adopting a strategic approach, a business perspective and an engineering precision, who can contribute to the success of the clients by creating previously non-existent business models, technologies, solutions and partnerships.

We believe in human-faced digitalisation. After all, humans are analogue.

The Metapay story

The phrase did not even exist when we were already operating as a FinTech firm. With a successful pilot project in 2010, we managed to create the Metapay Festivalcard® system (Metapay Fesztiválkártya®).

By 2011, we were the world’s first and only service provider capable of effectively making mass events cashless.Within the same year, we also presented Europe’s first mobile (NFC) payment project with partners such as Vodafone, Gemalto (known as Thales today) or Ingenico. Additionally, we successfully completed Budapest’s first electronic public transport pass pilot.

We managed to retain our global market leader position until 2013, and our competitors were only following the trends we had set.

We provided full-scale services for the festivals: We built the business model and the payment strategy with the Metapay team, paid attention to customer experience, collaborated with the marketing team, and built and sought out new sponsorship channels and opportunities. With our own security team we performed payment, logistics and cash logistics tasks, undertook on-the-spot IT troubleshooting and even provided our clients with cashier services and a financial accounting centre, as well as techniques and technology. We educated our users and were the first to integrate the MasterCard PayPass technology into a closed payment system. We had a major role in achieving high penetration of contactless payment both in Hungary and abroad.

In 2012, we won the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix award and up until 2013, we were the exclusive partners of all the festivals organised by Sziget Ltd. while more and more event organisers chose to use our services.

In addition to festivals, we also relied on the transaction system of Metapay to implement pre-paid and post-paid accounting systems, as well as loyalty, rewards, parking, access management, entry and identifying systems and projects, and also had the capability to integrate all of these into a single card. We also established subsidiaries in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In 2016, we transformed Metapay, and have been exclusively focusing on providing consultancy services for banking and financial industry clients, FinTech companies and for firms in almost any other industry ever since.

We created card acceptance (POS, ATM) and card issuance strategies, developed card product portfolios, supported the introduction of ApplePay, led projects promoting usage, and participated in M&A challenges, due diligence performance and valuations.

We facilitate exciting and commercially interesting partnerships.

As of September 2022, we are looking for astonishing, functional and visionary solutions under the brand ‘PhenoGyde’.

While providing unique and one-time projects (digital strategy, product development, payment strategy), we are also involved in longer term (service development, company sale) and continuous (market development, business development, strategic consultancy, coaching) assignments, working hard on the digital, yet customer-focused solutions of the future.

Our clients are diverse, both in terms of company size and profile. We have worked with single-member micro enterprises (strategy), SMEs with 50-100 employees (service quality, quality policy, crisis management) and also with large corporations employing hundreds of people (business, product and service strategy).

Operating in Europe, paying attention to Latin America

Our primary target is clearly the Hungarian and the European market, however, we are always open to and curious about new opportunities. We see a huge a potential in Latin America. With its population of over 500 million and countless global companies present on its markets, this region is catching up with the Western world at an astonishing pace. Its emerging FinTech firms could compete with local solutions on any continent. This vibrant market, always open to innovation, has also captured our imagination. Therefore, we decided to open a Latin American centre in Mexico City, allowing us to take European solutions overseas and return with new innovations yet unknown in this part of the world.

Media coverage

Facebook to buy Hungarian brand – exclusive interview with owner

‘The customer will get terribly angry if they can only contact a robot that can’t even solve their problem’
3 October 2022

Facebook buys the name and metapay.eu from Hungarian Metapay

“looking back, it is interesting to see that we created FinTech before FinTech even emerged, IoT before Internet of Things was a thing, and micropayments before micropayments were even an available option.”
2 October 2022

A Hungarian fintech firm that changed everything

“your job is to realise the idea, believe in it and keep on pushing it, regardless of what anyone might say”
1 August 2022

The NFC mobile phone developed by Vodafone-Metapay debuts at Sziget Festival

“This year, 34 top-up points were available at the Sziget Festival to transfer the desired amount to the Metapay Festival Card, while payments were managed through 1200 terminals. 200 cashiers and 60 hostesses supported the use of the Metapay Festival Card.”
18 August 2011

Metapay remains unrivalled

“Incredible as it may seem, there is currently only one solution capable of handling the simultaneous transactions of tens of thousands people at lightning speed.”
16 July 2013

Metapay hits the jackpot at festivals

“This year, Metapay conducted a total of 3.3 million transactions through its festival card system”
16 August 2012

The success of our partners is our best testimonial.

We work together with our clients to innovate and achieve growth for this generation as well as the next.

“Metapay had the balls and the payment system expertise to do the unthinkable and turn major cashpools in a very demanding environment to fully cashless before it happened anywhere in the world”

Milán Gauder

payment guru, ex EVP Acceptance Products Worldwide @ Mastercard

“The Sziget Festival has shifted dimensions in payment solutions with Metapay. They were the only ones who could help us succeed at the time.”

Károly Gerendai

Founder of Sziget Festival

“I was a bit hesitant about how these suited geeks would fit in and operate in a festival environment. Yet, despite my fears – even though this usually takes great routine and in most cases, multiple seasons – Gabor and his team figured this out perfectly, right from the start.”

Gábor Takács

Founder of Sziget Festival

„We have had limited but challenging interactions but I have always found you and your organisation to be resourceful in finding solution and thorough in communications.”

Stephen Dickson

Group CFO @ eMerchantPay

“Numerous memorable projects connect us with Metapay. As a mutual savings bank and a FinTech, we came up with solutions that would be enviable even for today’s operators in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the most memorable moment was the time we treated the team to a barbeque at Sziget Festival.”

József Vida

President, Chief Executive Officer @ Takarékbank

‘We collaborated with the Metapay/PhenoGyde team on multiple projects. On each occasion, we were entirely sure about our safety, the safety of the project and the safety of our customers: the expertise and dedication of the team was always guaranteed.’

Bence Sármay

country manager @ Visa

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