We convey a new vision which makes money come alive

Ordinary customers most likely fail to see what we do: each day the banking sector faces challenges it is not always ready to respond to – it lacks the best practices that could be applied immediately. The strain imposed by neobanks, the challenges posed by cybersecurity, digitalisation and the evolution of payment services – these are just some of the issues that have to be addressed. We develop solutions that enable even traditional financial institutions to challenge the new rivals of the market, and create balance between the seemingly contradictory concepts of personal contact and digitalisation.


We have implemented several large scale financial services projects – from the idea till the market entry. These are

  • Business partner search (outsourcing, FinTech solutions, service expansion)
  • Optimising FinTech collaborations
Product and service development
  • Complete support for the licensing process of financial institutions
  • Compliance process development, optimisation, audit
Optimising cooperation with card companies

Optimising cooperation with card companies

Based on our experience, the relationship between financial institutions and payment card companies is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, these companies set out strict requirements that the various market operators using their services have to comply with. On the other hand, their primary interest is to have those financial institutions boost the volumes of transactions carried out through the channels they offer. We support our clients in meeting both expectations, while also increasing their bargaining power. We know how to reduce their costs related to the payment card industry, while ensuring that card companies will treat them as strategic partners. 

Card acceptance system (POS/ATM) implementation/transformation

Card acceptance system (POS / ATM) implementation / transformation

We are aware that the main priority of most financial institutions is to build close and long-term partnerships with their SME and corporate clients by providing them with the broadest possible service portfolio. However, one of the most important expectations of the business sector towards financial institutions is to provide their clients with convenient, fast and secure payment options through a pleasant customer experience, while keeping the fees related to incoming payments as low as possible. We know the pros and cons of the different card acceptance operating models perfectly well, and we also know how SME and corporate clients’ needs can be best met.

It is vital for the operators of the banking sector to earn reputation and costumer trust, and providing their clients with the most secure and convenient ATM use is an integral part of achieving this. That is why it is so important that current and potential customers get a positive impression when using an ATM. The sense of security, the general appearance and, of course, the cash withdrawal process itself are all critical in creating this experience. Either it is about a retailer card acceptance scheme or an ATM network, we are able to identify and implement the solution best meeting the current strategy and opportunities of the given financial institution.

Digital payment solutions

Digital payment solutions

It is not the privilege of Fintech companies to offer digital payment solutions – in fact, no financial institutions can be successful without providing simple and user-friendly B2B or B2C payment systems. As one of the first FinTech companies in the world, we have built an industry on our own. Therefore, we know how to meet even the most diverse customer needs – starting from building a strategy to its implementation – in a way, that makes the clients satisfied and keeps the payment service costs low.

Driving sales volumes

Driving sales volumes

Whether it is about a sharp decrease in the sales of an existing financial product or the launch of a new one, we analyse the situation and boost the sales volumes, focusing on the individual characteristics of the client.

Optimising operations

Optimising operations

A common mistake financial institutions make is that they focus their resources solely on the introduction of new products, without devoting enough effort to the operations of existing ones. We know how to close that gap – we analyse the situation and offer practical suggestions concerning the optimisation of existing products and processes.

Sustainability-related business and product development

Sustainability-related business and product development

More and more customers – in Hungary as well – are eager to see their financial institutions make more spectacular and authentic efforts for sustainability. Just like concerning all the other subject areas we provide consultancy services in, when it comes to sustainability, we are convinced that only those solutions may work, that are complex, feasible and capable of delivering tangible results. In the long run, it is not enough for a bank to plant trees or pick up waste. They must define a concept that includes specialised product development, cooperation with the civil society and the stakeholders, and a systematic change of mindset. We have been involved in a lot of projects like this and can clearly tell the difference between greenwashing and initiatives that deliver real results.

Many major financial institutions and FinTech startups have involved us in their flagship projects as a strategic advisory partner.

We are aware of the trends, but our aim is not to follow them. Our objective is to create them, just as we did by introducing the mobile NFC payment technology in the framework of a profitable operating model, as well as the electronic public transport pass and Europe’s most complex shopping centre payment and loyalty card system. We work together with our clients with real understanding, and are relentless in delivering the most pioneering, still feasible solutions. This is the kind of determination and commitment our financial institution clients and FinTech partners have experienced when working with us.

The success of our partners is our best testimonial.

We work together with our clients to innovate and achieve growth for this generation as well as the next.

“Metapay had the balls and the payment system expertise to do the unthinkable and turn major cashpools in a very demanding environment to fully cashless before it happened anywhere in the world”

Milán Gauder

payment guru, ex EVP Acceptance Products Worldwide @ Mastercard

“The Sziget Festival has shifted dimensions in payment solutions with Metapay. They were the only ones who could help us succeed at the time.”

Károly Gerendai

Founder of Sziget Festival

“I was a bit hesitant about how these suited geeks would fit in and operate in a festival environment. Yet, despite my fears – even though this usually takes great routine and in most cases, multiple seasons – Gabor and his team figured this out perfectly, right from the start.”

Gábor Takács

Founder of Sziget Festival

„We have had limited but challenging interactions but I have always found you and your organisation to be resourceful in finding solution and thorough in communications.”

Stephen Dickson

Group CFO @ eMerchantPay

“Numerous memorable projects connect us with Metapay. As a mutual savings bank and a FinTech, we came up with solutions that would be enviable even for today’s operators in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the most memorable moment was the time we treated the team to a barbeque at Sziget Festival.”

József Vida

President, Chief Executive Officer @ Takarékbank

‘We collaborated with the Metapay/PhenoGyde team on multiple projects. On each occasion, we were entirely sure about our safety, the safety of the project and the safety of our customers: the expertise and dedication of the team was always guaranteed.’

Bence Sármay

country manager @ Visa

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