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The success of our partners is our best testimonial.

We work together with our clients to innovate and achieve growth for this generation as well as the next.

“Metapay had the balls and the payment system expertise to do the unthinkable and turn major cashpools in a very demanding environment to fully cashless before it happened anywhere in the world”

Milán Gauder

payment guru, ex EVP Acceptance Products Worldwide @ Mastercard

“The Sziget Festival has shifted dimensions in payment solutions with Metapay. They were the only ones who could help us succeed at the time.”

Károly Gerendai

Founder of Sziget Festival

“I was a bit hesitant about how these suited geeks would fit in and operate in a festival environment. Yet, despite my fears – even though this usually takes great routine and in most cases, multiple seasons – Gabor and his team figured this out perfectly, right from the start.”

Gábor Takács

Founder of Sziget Festival

„We have had limited but challenging interactions but I have always found you and your organisation to be resourceful in finding solution and thorough in communications.”

Stephen Dickson

Group CFO @ eMerchantPay

“Numerous memorable projects connect us with Metapay. As a mutual savings bank and a FinTech, we came up with solutions that would be enviable even for today’s operators in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the most memorable moment was the time we treated the team to a barbeque at Sziget Festival.”

József Vida

President, Chief Executive Officer @ Takarékbank

‘We collaborated with the Metapay/PhenoGyde team on multiple projects. On each occasion, we were entirely sure about our safety, the safety of the project and the safety of our customers: the expertise and dedication of the team was always guaranteed.’

Bence Sármay

country manager @ Visa

Our clients