We are one of the first FinTech companies in the world.

We have created a new industry. We have changed the world by making festival payment systems go digital, and we are well aware of the fact, that FinTech means growth and modernisation. 

Our mindset and relentless motivation are two crucial factors in increasing the satisfaction of our clients even further.

Pointing in new directions

We know that FinTech startups are second to none when it comes to imaginative power. We support them by organising their ideas and paving the way for the realisation – we guide them through the process from the creation of a detailed business plan and a cost-efficient operating model up till the implementation phase.

Supporting cooperation with financial institutions

Supporting cooperation with financial institutions

One of the specific characteristics of the FinTech industry is that these companies do not adopt the same banking perspective as traditional banks do, and the answers they give to existing challenges is not conventional either. For this reason, the key to their success is their means of cooperation with traditional financial institutions.The experience we have gained in the recent decades enables us to provide our FinTech clients effective support in finding banking partners, exploring and identifying business opportunities and also in establishing boundary conditions for their partnerships. We are there to support them throughout the finalisation of the agreement and when launching the implementation project – whether it is about a cooperation in service, a commercial agreement or the provision of financial services.

Business strategy

Business strategy

Besides having an inspirational idea and a smart way of implementation, truly ground-breaking FinTechs can introduce completely new business models, which guarantee scalability and continuous growth in many cases. When preparing a business strategy, it is always advisable to involve an external expert. Not that startups could not create viable plans by themselves – but the accurate knowledge of the perspectives of potential customers and partners can be decisive in the successful implementation of the strategy. At PhenoGyde, we know the ins and outs of being a startup. We have already developed several new, globally unique operating models that have been working successfully for over a decade now.

Service and product development

Service and product development

The appropriate establishment and development of a service and product portfolio is an essential feature of commercially successful Fintech ventures. We design the way additional services and products are to be provided for targeted and existing customers within the framework of a complex, professional project. Not only do we conduct traditional and new, data-driven market research, but we also provide creative service and product development, business modelling, as well as real feasibility analyses and methodology based on the capabilities of the company. If needed, we are there to support the product launch as well.

Licensing support

Licensing support

A defining milestone in the evolution of a FinTech company is when it obtains a financial institution license. At PhenoGyde, we know all the (external and internal) challenges of this step. We are aware of the various regulatory requirements and our team has all the professional knowledge required to obtain a financial institution license and operate in line with regulations.

We strive to create new operating models while having the smallest possible impact on the FinTech operational culture. With joint efforts, we develop the proper policies and processes and provide support in understanding, defining and applying complex compliance rules to ensure the successful operation of the company in the long run.

Investment/M&A/company valuation consultancy

Investment / M&A / company valuation consultancy

We have gained experience regarding all the aspects and roles of the relationship between FinTechs and investors: we had investors who we bought out, we provided support in raising capital for others, performed due diligence, valued companies and found new owners for companies when there was a need to do so – while providing constant support for the sales process. We understand the interests and language of FinTechs, investors and potential buyers, and we are experienced in concluding high-value deals with the world’s biggest companies. These are the skills we rely on when providing support to our clients.

Finding a partner

Finding a partner

In the age of startups, outsourcing, FinTech revolution and open banking, the importance of collaborations is beyond question. Based on our experience, a good business partner – whether it’s a professional subcontractor, sales channel or professional association – can exponentially boost business opportunities.  It is our creativity and extensive network that enables us to develop new, value-based partnerships, which provide the parties with a market advantage and at the same time, foster sustainable development.

Many major financial institutions and FinTech startups have involved us in their flagship projects as a strategic advisory partner.

We are aware of the trends, but our aim is not to follow them. Our objective is to create them, just as we did by introducing the mobile NFC payment technology in the framework of a profitable operating model, as well as the electronic public transport pass and Europe’s most complex shopping centre payment and loyalty card system. We work together with our clients with real understanding, and are relentless in delivering the most pioneering, still feasible solutions. This is the kind of determination and commitment ou

The success of our partners is our best testimonial.

We work together with our clients to innovate and achieve growth for this generation as well as the next.

“Metapay had the balls and the payment system expertise to do the unthinkable and turn major cashpools in a very demanding environment to fully cashless before it happened anywhere in the world”

Milán Gauder

payment guru, ex EVP Acceptance Products Worldwide @ Mastercard

“The Sziget Festival has shifted dimensions in payment solutions with Metapay. They were the only ones who could help us succeed at the time.”

Károly Gerendai

Founder of Sziget Festival

“I was a bit hesitant about how these suited geeks would fit in and operate in a festival environment. Yet, despite my fears – even though this usually takes great routine and in most cases, multiple seasons – Gabor and his team figured this out perfectly, right from the start.”

Gábor Takács

Founder of Sziget Festival

„We have had limited but challenging interactions but I have always found you and your organisation to be resourceful in finding solution and thorough in communications.”

Stephen Dickson

Group CFO @ eMerchantPay

“Numerous memorable projects connect us with Metapay. As a mutual savings bank and a FinTech, we came up with solutions that would be enviable even for today’s operators in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the most memorable moment was the time we treated the team to a barbeque at Sziget Festival.”

József Vida

President, Chief Executive Officer @ Takarékbank

‘We collaborated with the Metapay/PhenoGyde team on multiple projects. On each occasion, we were entirely sure about our safety, the safety of the project and the safety of our customers: the expertise and dedication of the team was always guaranteed.’

Bence Sármay

country manager @ Visa

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